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For centuries, some researchers and amateurs have been baffled by this strange object. But they have failed to put forward a good idea for unveiling the elusivity of the book. It looks like a normal old book. But almost whole parts of the book contain some mysteries. The author, origin and another points are the big question for anyone who tries to learn it.

Due to my own observation, there are some important things from this manuscript that should be more confirmed if we want to reveal the mystery of the book, such as :

1) Marci's letter to Kircher 1665/1666, the forgery or real evidence?

2) The latin scripts which appeared in several numbers of the pages, originally written or just had been added after this manuscript belongs to several owners?

3) The validity of the informations that had been shared to us by Wilfrid Voynich. His trackrecords depicted him as a genius forgerer, even the boaster. In addition, he has sufficient knowledges that could lead him as the author of the book. A bizzare object plus some background stories would be perfect for a book dealer to catches enormous attentions from everyone who want to buy his product. Still remember about the widow of Voynich who had revealing that this book had been discovered by his husband in Villa Mondragone, instead of Austrian and European castle as Voynich told before when he was still alive?

4) The signature of Jacob Tepenec on the 1st page has no similarity to the original script of Jacob in his documents which located by Jan Hurych in 2006. The question is: who was the forgerer and what for? The intention is still a mystery today.

5) Roger Bacon seems like the most possible person who made the manuscript by himself. But, what about another names? It also possible the true author was someone who unfamous or maybe the forgotten one. BTW, some illustrations seems like what my baby brother had drawn on paper. Okay, forget it! It would making no sense if a kid was able to to draw such a complicated object. But what if we're going to find out another names from different time, I mean, what if we are going to pinpoint it to another time regions out of 15th century?

6) This book comprises 6 sections by its clustered illustrations. A lot of theories had been suggested to associate the pictures with the text. My question is: What if the illustrations have no relevancies to the text? In other word: the pictures possibly as something to outwit our minds.

7) Most of illustrations really make me sure to link the manuscript to the Europe— the fashion, icons, and styles. My limited looking seems to show they were just coming into use during medieval era in Europe.

My point of view, perhaps doesn't proof anything. But I'm quite sure those points would helping the process of decoding this manuscript, for you need something as accurately as possible to be the important evidence. Those points maybe only a little bit among another things that could be the key for revealing the mystery. Whether this manuscript would succesfully revealed or still be an elusive thing, for me it would be disappointing if this interesting book only an hoax object to fooling us around.

If you find any important things about this manuscript, please do not mind to share with me by sending any comment below and please updating me some informations about this Voynich Manuscript. I'm also very thankful if you'd like to sharing me another mystery things stories.

See also :

Voynich Manuscript: Encrypted Book, The Lost World Codex or...Totally a Hoax?

1665/1666 Marci's Letter to Kircher in English translation

1665/1666 Marci's Letter to Kircher in Indonesian Language Translation

(Please feel free to leave any comment. Thank's for visiting my blog.)

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